I think I have mentioned here on the gnitter just how much I LOVE Ray Davies, but do you, dear reader, really understand?!
My life would bear much less poetry, paranoia, beauty and humor if my brain didn't have a little detour into Mister Davies Neighborhood in it. I was just telling my dear husband this morning that I can't wait to play the Kinks all the time for our little fella when he's born. Come to find out (thanks to the
Treehouse), Ray Davies will be playing here on April 4th, and at First Avenue, no less!
Ray Davies at First AvenueNow, this is one week after our baby is "scheduled" to join us here outside the womb, and it pains me to realize that I won't be able to go...would it be child abuse to take him to First Avenue a week after he's born? Am I a complete Pollyanna for thinking I'd want to, having just had a C-section?! If I'm truly honest, I get the feeling I won't care what the f*#k is going on in the outside world for a while once I have that little bean in my arms.